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How To Take Care Of The Exotic Pet : Anteater

Updated on November 29, 2007

I have 4 anteaters. 2 of them are giant anteaters and 2 of them are tamanduas. I know many of you are saying " ANTEATER? An Anteater for a pet ? Why ? Shouldn't they be kept in the wild ?" Yes they should be kept in the wild if they are able to. But they are endangerd species. They're endangered because of their forests and the people are hunting them down. So we should help to keep them alive. BUT you will need to research them. It took me 3 years. You will need to think about their diet , the most important and difficult to master. You will need a vet for them. This is very hard, most of them think your crazy. Maybe I am . But once you have one you will fall in love. I'm having trouble getting my pictures to load it takes for ever.I'll tell you where you can see them as pets.PLEASE read the following about them. TamanduaGirl (my friend) has two Tamanduas and, also has videos of them on you tube. But please read the following and tell me if you think you would want one or if something isn't clear let me know. :)

I know anteaters don't look like it but they are related to the sloth family and the armidillo family. Aardvarks are not related to anteaters, it is a very common mistake. They have their own family. There are three different types of anteaters : first there is the pigmi anteater (pigmis are the smallest), then there is the tamandua anteater(medium size), third there is the giant anteater(of course the biggest). Personally I think giant anteaters are a little too big, but you'll get use to it. Tamanduas are the perfect size (I think). Get what ever one you want, doesn't matter at all. Just the amount of food and care and love. They LOVE attention! As strange as it sounds anteaters have great personalities. Anteaters will respond to your name. See it for your self on you tube. You must give them tons and tons and tons of attention. They will cry if they feel they didn't get enough. They make all kinds of noises they cry,weep, groan, scream(if get baddly hurt ) hiss (when protective). lol . All they want is love , so please give them attention. They enjoy a warm climate. If it's cold then get a t-shirt (toddler size for pigmi) (kid size tamandua) (adult size for giant anteaters).

You should take your anteater for a walk once a day. You must put them on a leash even though they are tame, they might get interested under cars and then you might not be able to get them out again or they might climb trees without permishion. Put trainer on them . Not whenever you take them out. It seems to be comfortable for them. Again if it is cold put a t-shirt on them just in case. ; ) Take them to meadows bird sancutaries, parks but becareful people might panic. It's a lot quieter and calmer when you take them to a quiet place. You'll enjoy it more and so will your pet. There will be tons of people looking at you or talking to you, bothering you.

Food, food, food that's the tricky part with pets. Well I go out in the yard and look for ants (sometimes) or you can let them find ants themselves. It's better to let them do it, that way they don't get too lazy. I make soup for them (special soup: fruits , vegtables , ants , cheese. ) Usually I make some suop for them . They just adore advocadoes and blue cheese. If you are interested in their food look up what the zoo keepers feed them. (That's what I did.)

Get a huge cage for them. They'll need it. Hammocks is a must! (Get a big hammock for 2.) You can put some ropes in their that way they can hang around and chill. Put some toys in their cage like: squeaky balls, stuff toys, blankets, and a pillow. They should have fun in their cages. Let them out though! They will get antzy! lol They like playing peek-a-boo and love to wrestle! (It's hilarious!)watch it on you tube, click the link.

You wanna be careful of their claws you could get a big scratch if you don't file their claws down. But, usually it's not that bad. Sometimes it's like a cat scratch. You won't have to worry as long as you file their claws. File them once every 4 days. : ) TIP: They use them when they wrestle.

Anteaters cost about $1,400 to about $ 5,000 from what I have seen ! The prettier , healthier, younger the more they are. There are very few anteater breeders left since they have babies every 1 to 2 years. Plus I got all of mine from South America which took about 6 months to a year. To get all four of them that is. I must say I was pretty lucky. Usually it takes a year just to get one. If you want to get one you must do plenty of researching. They must have the proper care . And make sure you know all the sicknesses they can get. Again make sure you get a vet. And tell the vet that you have an anteater. Oh, and 1 more thing make sure you know the state law about exotic animals.

So hope you learned somethin. Do you want one ? Tell me if there is anything you don't understand or want more detail.


Krista 07

zzzzzz why did you wake me up? FOOD!FOOD!
zzzzzz why did you wake me up? FOOD!FOOD!
 Just takin a stroll in the garden. (I'm actually lookin for ants. sssssshhhhhh don't tell them.)
Just takin a stroll in the garden. (I'm actually lookin for ants. sssssshhhhhh don't tell them.)
This is Tammy! She is waving to you!
This is Tammy! She is waving to you!

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